An ancient tradition among Jewish households, this carefully hand forged, hammered and incised box has a slot for inserting regular donations for good causes. Incised with the Hebrew word "tzedakah", which is generally translated into English as charity, it's true meaning in Hebrew is "an act of justice".
Judaism teaches that giving is an obligation upon all of us, no matter how small the donation. We are obligated to pursue justice and attempt to contribute in even a tiny way towards the repair of the world.
Place on your desk and make it a habit to place loose change into it regularly (in Jewish households, it is traditionally done on Friday afternoon before the beginning of the Sabbath). When it's full, unscrew the bead at the top and use the funds for a good cause. Then start again, because, as the sages taught, "If I am not for myself, who will be for me. But if I am only for myself, who am I. If not now, when."
Box measures 4.5" in diameter and 2.5" high, and weighs 1.25 lbs.
Handcrafted in Vermont